Monday, April 5, 2010

PrideStaff presents Industrial Insight

Flex Your Human Resources

Flex staffing is all the rage in an "uncertain" economy and CFO's love the ability to reduce payroll when orders drop off. Consequently, Production Managers love Flex for immediate access to a talent pool that can report to work "next day" without the hassle of recruiting/hiring. Managers have known this secret for a long time, as indicated from this survey by AMA.

"According to an American Management Association survey, 91% of human resource managers rate flexibility in staffing issues as important, and 95% use temporary and contract employees to achieve that flexibility."

American Management Association, "1999 AMA Survey, Contingent Workers, Summary of Findings."

So what are you waiting for? Actually, we understand the hesitancy to fully embrace a flex staffing model, and here are the two most common objections, along with our soothing rebuttal.

1. Staffing services charge too much, I can hire my own people for much less!
On the surface this looks like a slam dunk argument, but the reality is - outsourcing your recruiting/screening/hiring activity frees you up to focus on producing more of the product or service that creates revenue. Your business model is about profitability, not how to find and hire the right people. That IS our business!

And don't forget about the time saved by letting PrideStaff manage the ugly side of employment, claims from unemployment and workers comp, taxes, benefits and other "frictional" employment costs.

2. The workers they send out do no have the experience to do my jobs!
We know this happens, with our competitors!

Every new employee needs OTJ training to reach performance levels, whether they were hired by PrideStaff or by you. The first advantage we offer is matching our employee's skill level and recent experience to your job descriptions: we call this our ON TARGET order fulfillment process. This process allows PrideStaff to deliver better candidate quality on each and every assignment.

We also job shadow and benchmark critical skills at your worksite, which takes the guesswork out of hiring.

And for high volume positions (three or more associates), PrideStaff will customize an orientation that includes specific company information you want us to cover.

Sometimes our best efforts result in a mismatch because of culture or personality. That's why we offer our 110% guarantee - credit for the first day plus a 10% reduction for the first day of replacement.

At PrideStaff, we go to great lengths to ensure the temporary staff we provide have the skills and experience you need. When you're looking for highly skilled, experienced and trained support, contact your local PrideStaff office.

Innovative Solutions to Everyday Challenges
Forklift Drivers
Shipping & Receiving
Inventory Control
Traffic Coordinators
Warehouse Management

3110 W Cheyenne Ave Suite 300 North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Our Mission: Consistently provide client experiences focused on what they value most.

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