Wednesday, July 29, 2009


For every hour, day and or week you delay in developing and executing your plan for obtaining a job, developing a career plan or taking an in depth assessment of where your skills, experience and flexibility are relative to the demand for your skills will affect your employability and earnings.


  • You don't have to have everything perfect to start. The key is to Start Now.
  • Use the available technology, coaching and other tools to leverage yourself.
  • Your Competitors have the pedal on the medal and their eye on the prize.
  • The elephant in the room is "raising the bar" each day.
  • Over your employment life, waiting can cost you a significant amount of cash.

Monday, July 27, 2009



Now that you’ve faxed, mailed or e-mailed your resume you’re probably wondering why your phone is not ringing off the wall or e-mails are not filling you’re in box.

It’s an employer’s market and you are competing against a number of qualified individuals for each position. So what can you do to stand out from the crowd? What can you do to capture their attention?

You must do what others are not doing! Namely use your own Marketing Campaign.

  • Make multiple quality contacts using Phone, e-mail, letters, video e-mail and post cards.
  • Using Networking, find a way to get an introduction.
  • Show up at the work site or location and ask to speak with the hiring manager. If you don’t get to see the manager, leave a hand written note.
  • Invest $2 in a McCafe card and mail to the hiring manager with a note indicating what’s a time to meet and you’ll spring for the coffee.
  • Send a funny e-card.

Want to know more? Contact

Friday, July 24, 2009


According to a number of economist the sun is beginning to shine on the economic recovery. It's not White hot just yet but it's warming. With that in mind, it's important to take an assessment of where you are positioned regarding the recovery, regardless of your employment status:

  • Have you completed an assessment of your skills?
  • Have you updated your resume using a format that's appropriate for your skills and background?
  • Do you have more than 1 resume?
  • Does your resume support your accomplishments, unique personal brand and will it lead to an interview?
  • Does your resume focus on results and not duties?

For help preparing you for the recovery, contact

Monday, July 20, 2009


It's an understatement to say jobs are tough to find these days. There are however, some tried and true methods that are as important today as they were when times were better.

  • while networking has become the rage these days, astute individuals have always recognized the importance of this since a significant percentage of jobs are never advertised or posted. Referrals continue to play a large role in securing jobs. What better way to obtain a referral than to network and gain exposure. The secret to networking, in my opinion is to add value!! Don't sit on the sidelines and wait for this to happen.... Network and Network Again. Has taken on greater important

  • Trying to get a job without a resume, is like trying to get a credit card without completing an application. Your best chance to "look" at the market is when you already have a position. Ask yourself the "so what" questions... What would happen if I lost my job today? Is my resume updated? Are my contacts in place? --When is the last time I spoke to a recruiter to determine my marketability? This is similar to the analogy associated with athletes... If you're not getting ready for the next level, job, opportunity etc, I assure you other candidates are and they will get the job.

  • Much has been said negatively about promoting oneself. It's simple; no one cares as much about you as you do. You have to promote your brand consistently, you must ensure your brand has value and equally important constantly check out your brand with others inside and outside the "circles you frequent" because you are always being evaluated!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Avoiding the Alice Syndrome

Over the years much has been said about the importance of planning goals in terms of sales, job performance, employee development, and revenue and yes profitability.
My observation is however, few individuals evaluate these terms in context of their career plan. I’m not talking about the short term here. Rather, 5+ years out. Over the last 3 years, I consistently ask prospective employees what they want to be doing 5 years from now. Consistent responses are:

  • I want to be working for a good company that provides opportunities
  • I have not really thought about this so I’m not sure
  • I want to have a good job in a stable company
  • I can’t think that far into the future

To be sure, these are desires worth having. However, they do not address what I believe is a major failing on the part of employees and in large part managers and supervisors. Namely, in conjunction with the employee developing a Career Development Plan inclusive of a “employee development” component. At this point, you may be asking yourself what’s the difference? This is a fair question and often times one that can be confusing. The employee development component of the career plan should focus on the development of skills for the current job; career development should focus on the development of skills for future jobs.

I like to take this concept a step farther and with prospective employees ask them to focus on the “end game”. Specifically, what do they want to do with the rest of their life and how are they going to get there. You see, I happen to think to effectively develop a career plan; you have to start at the end and work backwards.

In order to do the type of career planning I’m talking about one has to do a great deal of introspection, ask the difficult “so what” question at every decision point. Maybe that’s why so few individuals actually get this done.

It’s at this point I usually remind them of the story of Alice and Wonderland and the Cheshire cat “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to walk from here? Asked Alice. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” responded the cat. “I don’t much care where,” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t much matter which way you walk,” replied the cat. This one simple statement says it all. If one is unsure of where one is going, (does not have a plan) take the next road for any path will do.